New Book, Jesus Career Counselor: Join the JCC conversation with LBJ.

2 04 2010

Thank you for your interest in my newest book that is to be released May 4 with Simon and Schuster.  I believe this book is a timely book for many who are facing a variety of life transitions.  It is my goal over the next several weeks to begin sharing with my readers some of the contents and concepts from this book.  I would enjoy jumping into the conversation with any of you as you feel the need. Here are some of the reasons you might want to join into the conversation or get the book:

You’ve just lost a job

You’ve been wrongly terminated

You’ve been laid off for reasons you don’t understand

You have an ignorant boss

You are inheriting a family business

You want to leave a family business

You have inherited sudden wealth

You have suddenly lost wealth

You feel different than your co-workers

You are being called to relocate

You refuse to relocate

You don’t want to keep doing what you’ve been doing

You feel burned out

You are in a fog about next steps for your career

You are trained in one thing but want to do something different

You realize you are living out your parent’s unlived lives

You are just starting out and feel overwhelmed by possibilities

You need to learn a new skill set entirely

You are feeling irrelevant and passed by in the workplace

If any of these questions pertain to you right now, this book is for you.



2 responses

2 04 2010
Nance Garner

I would love to have the book to read. Several of the situations you named apply to my life situation. I now work as a paralegal but lost my nursing career of 24 years in 2002. God provided the means to earn a degree in paralegal studies of which I had no idea my nursing knowledge would be useful. He also opened this job in the right season and right area of the law where I would help others by reading medical records and teaching my boss and co-workers nursing terms and diagnoses. But, when I lost the career, I lost the the means to further my paralegal career and be a nurse paralegal or nurse consultant. I do believe God has plans for my life in ways to serve in the Kingdom of God. I believe just as JOB, God allowed the nursing career to be set aside because I had placed my idenity in being a nurse and not a child of God. Now, I am fighting that same issue;I need to focus in on being a Child of God or Woman of God instead of the title paralegal. If I place Him first in my life, all the rest He has for me will follow. I am HIS before I am a paralegal of a formal nurse.

2 04 2010

Hi Nance
Thank you for sharing. I am sure that God calls us all to be ever moving forward on this journey. In my book there is a section in which I talk about the 3 ways that God places a ‘Fire’ under us and asks is to “Rise, Risk
and Roar.” Which one of these 3 areas do you think you are experiencing as
a result of your transition? Join me
over the next few weeks in the conversation to learn more about this. Praying for you today.

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