Stuck in a Job or Career Path?

8 04 2010

The overwhelming majority of  Biblical characters were either self employed, or worked in a family Business.

For example, among the Self employed were:

Nathaniel, Samuel, Jonah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Elijah

Mordecai, Rahab, Micah, Balaam, Malachi, etc.

Those who owned or worked in a Family Business included:

Abraham, Noah, Job, Moses, Miriam, Aaron, Saul, Jonathan, David, Solomon, Jacob, Isaac, Laban, Lot, Boaz, Ruth, Jesus, Peter, Andrew, James, John

A number of them were employees of larger organizations, such as:

Daniel, Nehemiah, Esther, Joshua

And Most of them experienced major career transitions.

A brief overview illustrates the transitions.

Family business to employee:  Joseph, Jacob, Moses

Family business to self employed: Satan, Adam and Eve,  Jesus

Self employed to family business:  Rahab

Employee to self employed:  Nehemiah, Joshua

Family business to employee to self employed to employer:

King David

This shows that God does not necessarily need or even want people to stay in the same job or career in order to accomplish his purposes.  There is a pervasive fear among parents, I am told, that their child will not get into the right school or get the right teacher or scholarship, and if they don’t their lives are ruined.  To them I say if you are afraid of every step you take, the path you are on is too narrow.  It fails to consider the almighty power of a knowing and loving God to help guide willing souls into the proper harbor.

“You will hear a voice behind you saying ‘This is the path, walk ye in it’” says the scripture.   Career planning involves listening and relationship, not fear of failure.

How many jobs have you had?  How many career changes have you made?  Are you getting closer to your mission or further from it?

Laurie Beth



12 responses

8 04 2010
Gaye Lindfors

My favorite line…”Career planning involves listening and relationship, not fear of failure.” Think of the difference we’d see in our workpalces if we actually believed that. Thanks, Laurie Beth.

8 04 2010

Excellent point Gaye.. it is so true. Like the song says, “What are we so afraid of?”

8 04 2010
Mark Rosenfeld

I’ve never considered my job my reason for being. It simply provides me with the assets to do what I really want to do, being the hands and feet of Jesus.

8 04 2010

Interesting point Mark. There are some myths about mission that I teach in my book, The Path. One of those myths is, “My job is my mission.” So often I have seen people settle with a job for years and then realize they have missed their calling. I believe, ‘reason for being’ is a core value, inner focus that gets overlooked in our lives. We busy ourselves with work and set mission aside when really we should be mission focused and seek the work or career that is in alignment with our mission. I have listened to hundreds of stories from people that feel they believed the myth… Until they became clear about their ‘reason for being.’
Thank you for sharing this conversation with me. Continue being the hands and feet of Christ to all you meet.

8 04 2010
Paul Perez

This is right on point. Part of my walk now, since I’ve retired from a 20 year career as a Naval Officer, is understanding that this “great American dream” lifestyle that’s been popularized over the last 60 or so years is NOT necessarily representative of God’s plan for people, and is but a drop in the bucket compared to the 6000 years of human history. As John Eldredge says, “GOD is the Hero of the story.” I know that consciously, but I’m endeavoring to let His Spirit drill that deep into my soul.

It hurts.


9 04 2010

Thank you Paul for sharing here about the ‘work of your heart.’ It sounds like you are in the Relect secrion of my book where this powerful God shows up to Restore! The other thing that is interesting is that the word ‘Return’ is used 568 times in the Bible…. Keep going back to the well. As you say, it is deep. Blessings Paul.

9 04 2010
Tony Everett

I had never thought about the characters in the bible having jobs before, so thank you for the illustration. It does make me ponder on the issue of culture pushing us into thinking we have to have it all sorted out right now and know our mission in life as soon as we start on our journey into the work place. But that is not really true, even with your illustration above most started at one thing and then changed into something else. I can attest to that, at the age of 43 I am just starting to realize the gifts God has given me and can now put them into play. This is not to say the sales work I have done for the past 23 years has been a waste, in fact I have learned a lot that helps me in my new direction. SO, thank you for putting my mind at rest that these last 23 years were not a waste and this is all part of Gods larger plan.

13 04 2010

Dear Tony,
You are like so many of us who only started to bloom after the age of forty. When the Israelites left Egypt, they took many riches with them. Nothing in God’s kingdom is ever wasted, as nature can attest.
Your experience in sales will serve you well in whatever you do next. Everybody needs sales skills, all the time, and God has seen to it that you got them.
Blessings to you on your journey,
Laurie Beth

10 04 2010
Shannell McMillan

Wow! Powerful perspective! I have had worked the majority of my life in the field of construction, or the “building industry.” After I read The Path I remained in the same vocation but the field of “construction and building” broadened from simply doors and windows into helping others build on the foundation the Lord has laid in them. The more I learned about my own PATH the more I understood God has called me to be a specialist in my field. “Restoration!” Unlike standard construction, a Restoration specialist is required to restore the structure back to it’s original state and purpose. Careful study of the original design and purpose are required as well as making sure that everything that is replaced or repaired is done so with authentic materials and genuine care.
As I live my mission to inspire, encourage and restore wholeness in myself and others, I see the Mighty Hand of the Creator at work in my life and the lives I am privileged to come along side. God is a God of Restoration. I am living proof and I am living my mission!
Thank you Laurie Beth Jones for living yours so I could find mine!
I am ever grateful!

10 04 2010

so grateful for the reminder!! excited to be a part of my dtr continuing journey and see where life will take her.

11 04 2010
Randy Green

I can’t wait for your new book. Holding a job has never been a problem for me .. only 7 since 1975. One for 16, the present one for 11. My talents are writing poems, songs and drawing .. NONE of these have priority in my life. My favorite saying at work is, ” I love my job .. it pays my bills”. The thought constantly runs through my mind .. am I afraid of success or failure?

13 04 2010

Dear Randy,
You sound like you are a dedicated and hard worker. Maybe you need to let a little more WIND into your life, and even your workplace, like drawing funny notes for people at work, or writing songs about work situations just for fun. See where it goes.
It doesn’t sound like you are afraid of either success or failure.
Blessings to you,
Laurie Beth

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