Pick Three Dream Words ….

19 04 2010

Pick Three Dream Words by Laurie Beth  (Reference: Jesus, Career Counselor)

Greetings Friends,

Jumping into your week today with a fun exercise taken from my new book that is about to  release on May 4.  This book is laid out in a very specific format, with each chapter to be not only part of a fabric, but also a free-standing career guidepost.  Take a look at the details below and then come back and share with me on my Facebook Fan Page or here at the Blog.  I will be checking in on your insights and comments each day to share with you.

There is also another application of these chapters, and that is for you to quickly look at each following key words , and then circle the three words that most resonate with you right now.

















After you’ve circled the chapter words that most grabbed you, step back and realize that those three chapters might be a clue to your elemental make up.    For instance, if you selected Rise Risk Roar as your chapters first, you may be a Fire personality type.

If you picked only two out of the three from the same element, this may be your personal elemental blend.  For example,   Two from Fire and one from Earth, may mean you are a Fire/Earth personality blend.

(There are seventeen personality blends, including Fusion, which is a little bit of all the elements in nearly equal measure. Please get your PEP profile before reading on!)  Use this code to receive a discount as a blog reader: BPEP

Then, realize that sometimes we are attracted to the opposite of what we really need…so I would recommend reading chapters in categories that are opposite natural first choice, as well.

For example, as a Wind/Fire personality type, I love to Rejoice and Risk.  But several months ago, when my real estate portfolio and thus “self identity” took a hit, I was so energy depleted that Risking and Rejoicing were the last things on my mind.  Instead I went into an Earth/ Water mode of Reflection and Returning, which turned out to be exactly what I needed from a CAREER standpoint.

Life balance is a huge concern for every working person.  Knowing your element’s strengths and challenges can help you stay centered in the Lord, and able to focus specifically on the work you are called to do.

Recently I visited an art gallery which featured a sculptor with an obvious talent for sculpting horses.  However, this artist seems to fancy putting beautiful bronze horse bodies in un-natural situations—like stepping off a skyscraper or being stuck neck deep in a blue glass.  My reaction to this artwork was intense alarm.  My heart refused to respond positively to a horse dangling off a skyscraper or drowning in a sea of glass.  No purchases were made that day, I assure you.

I think the Holy Spirit must feel the same way when looking at some of our off balance, unnatural career selections.  God’s reaction is “Alarm!” rather than “ahh…just what I envisioned that person doing when I created them with those gifts and talents.”

Jesus, Career Counselor wants you to be living your highest gift, and operating out of it, all the time.

Did you know that Joyce Meyers, one of the most successful televangelist/teachers of modern time, was a secretary until the age of 42?   I wish I could have been a fly on the wall watching her transition, as well as interview her past bosses.  I have no doubt that she did her work even then as “unto the Lord,” but what an illsuited job that was for her God given gifts.  Fortunately, she and the Lord worked it out, and now she fills stadiums with people eager to hear her humorous and “real” observations about life in the Lord.

Jesus said my yoke is easy…he could say that because he was a “tekton/craftsman”—not just a woodworker…He crated those yokes to fit perfectly in a customized way the neck of each animal.

So it is with you.  Has your “yoke” been custom designed or are you getting blisters?

Blessings as you lead and work this week!

Laurie Beth

Jesus Career Counselor: How to Find and Keep your Perfect Work